A prosperous tomorrow in pest management through
Synergy for robust and optimized pest management.
By economically incorporating new pest control methods into broadacre farming, notably pheromones and kairomones, Bioglobal’s technology is able to achieve a combinatorial optimization in pest management.
The Bioglobal approach maximizes the overall effectiveness by leveraging the distinct advantages of each method while minimizing their individual limitations. The synergy among these methods results in a more robust and mathematically optimized pest management strategy.
Our platform technology capitalizes on the power of pheromones and kairomones to influence insect behavior.
This is made possible through a unique combination of adaptable formulations, proprietary manufacturing processes, and in-field expertise, all built upon two decades of experience and application.
Bioglobal uses only biological substances naturally found in the environment, enhancing a sustainable approach to pest control.
Our dedicated, pioneering-oriented team brings together diverse competencies to create a technologically market-ready platform.
Bioglobal’s Cutting-Edge Technology
As a leader in insect behavior modification, Bioglobal stands as a unique, independent company that focuses on the comprehensive spectrum of crop protection and community health using its innovative technology platform.
Bioglobal’s cutting-edge technology specifically targets insect behavior, resulting in significant reductions in pest damage while leaving minimal to no chemical residues in crops, land or water.

Product Development
Bioglobal's over two-decade built-up pheromone and kairomone technology platforms are fully ready to serve as a solid and expandable foundation to tackle the rising challenges in plant protection.
Mating disruption products for the following pests are being developed and tested: Rice Stem Borer, Fall Armyworm, Asian Corn Borer, Diamondback Moth, and European Grapevine Moth.
Bioglobal has been developing kairomone-based products for controlling major pests, including but not limited to the Fall Armyworm, Oriental Fruit Moth, European Corn Borer, Rice Stem Borer, Codling Moth, Diamondback Moth, and European Grapevine Moth.
✔️ Less labor time for application deployment
✔️ Reduced equipment and maintenance costs
✔️ Lower energy and water consumption
✔️ Substantially less pesticide chemicals used
✔️ Less harm on beneficial insects and animals
✔️ Lower exposure to hazardous materials
✔️ Reduced chemical residues
✔️ Cleaner farming practices, improved yields
✔️ Less pollution in soils and water
About BioGlobal
What We Do
Solutions & Products
Mating Disruption
Insect Attractants
How We Lead
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